go to your creative space every day and write, paint, sculpt,
whatever you do, and just enjoy the process and do it."
~ Denise Allen Incao
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Denise Allen Band in Dreux France |
whatever you do, and just enjoy the process and do it."
~ Denise Allen Incao
In the spring of 2013 I received an email from an art gallery in New York City. They gushed about how much they loved my paintings. And they made promises that they could help me take my art career to new levels – if I was willing to pay thousands of dollars to have them represent me. Not afraid to invest in myself and my work, I replied to the email with a few questions. But the fancy NYC art gallery didn’t get back to me for weeks.
In the meantime, I received an email from Denise Allen Incao and her business partner Barbara Allen. They were starting a new online art gallery. An exclusive virtual venture that would help hand-selected artists gain more exposure for their work – at no cost. The contract they sent me was completely transparent. And all of my questions were answered promptly.
By the time the gallery in New York City finally got back to me, Gallery24seven.com had launched and I was proud to be one of their Flagship Resident Artists. My involvement with G247 has given my art more exposure and given me more credibility as an artist. In the fall of 2013 my writing also received more exposure when I was invited to write a monthly creative lifestyle guest blog post on their site.
I’m grateful for my partnership with G247 and that I didn’t go with that gallery in NYC. So this month I’m delighted to feature Denise Allen Incao, co-founder of Gallery24seven.com, in the She Lives Creatively Spotlight!
Marcella: You are a co-founder of Gallery24seven.com, an online art gallery that represents artists throughout North America. What inspired you and your business partner to start your own gallery?
In the meantime, I received an email from Denise Allen Incao and her business partner Barbara Allen. They were starting a new online art gallery. An exclusive virtual venture that would help hand-selected artists gain more exposure for their work – at no cost. The contract they sent me was completely transparent. And all of my questions were answered promptly.
By the time the gallery in New York City finally got back to me, Gallery24seven.com had launched and I was proud to be one of their Flagship Resident Artists. My involvement with G247 has given my art more exposure and given me more credibility as an artist. In the fall of 2013 my writing also received more exposure when I was invited to write a monthly creative lifestyle guest blog post on their site.
I’m grateful for my partnership with G247 and that I didn’t go with that gallery in NYC. So this month I’m delighted to feature Denise Allen Incao, co-founder of Gallery24seven.com, in the She Lives Creatively Spotlight!
Marcella: You are a co-founder of Gallery24seven.com, an online art gallery that represents artists throughout North America. What inspired you and your business partner to start your own gallery?
Denise: I’m an
artist myself and know how much time and investment is involved in exhibiting
in galleries and doing art shows and festivals. I wanted to have a place to
show my own artwork and reach a much larger audience than who might walk in to
an art gallery or visit my booth at a show.
So my partner Barbara Allen and I, and our other co-founders, had the
idea to offer an online venue to artists who are looking for alternative ways
to get their art seen by a much larger audience.
D: What appealed to me was the possibility of creating a
place where emerging and established artists can reach a very large number of
viewers who might just be looking for that perfect piece of artwork (their
artwork!), but wouldn't find it hanging on a gallery wall in some other town on
the other side of the country. We want to connect people with great art and the
artists that create these works. And our goal has been to offer the opportunity
for artists to exhibit with us, with no sign up fees or monthly dues. We want there to be very little risk or
investment on the part of the artist. I've managed several art galleries over
the years and also shown in quite a few, so I myself wanted to be involved with
something cutting edge and with limitless possibility.
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Denise's masks left to right: "Shaman," "Peacock Dancer," and "Spirit Hunter" |
M: You are a visual artist who specializes
in sculptural ceramics. How do you balance creating your studio work with
running your online art gallery?D: It's not always easy. When there is a lot happening with the gallery, my studio time has to wait. But I love the work I do with Gallery24Seven.com, so it's not a problem for me. I try to stay on a schedule as much as I can with both things, and that helps a lot. Otherwise, I may flounder around and that's not a useful way to spend my time.
Denise Allen Band |
M: You’ve also
been the front woman for the Denise Allen Band for the past 10 years! What came
first – your love for singing/song writing or visual arts?
D: I was a visual artist long before starting to perform with
my band and write songs. I graduated
Auburn University with a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art, with a studio emphasis
in Sculptural Ceramics in 1984. I've been working as a studio artist and
teaching kids and adults ceramics classes and workshops since then. It was my first love as far as a creative
outlet. I have been very active with music and my band over the past 10 years.
There is a natural flow back and forth between the two that has happened to
just work out great!
M: I read that you
were born in the South and raised on rock, blues, and gospel. Who have been
your biggest musical influences?
D: I've had so, so many influences over the years and it
changes as time goes on. But if I had to name a few early influences they would
be Bonnie Raitt, Joan Osborne, the Black Crows, the Pretenders, Patti Griffin
and more. I also love Pink, Katie Perry
and Taylor Swift, but I guess that's another thing altogether.
M: How have you
and your band made the time to record 6 albums and tour Europe every summer?
What are your time management tips?
D: I try to make schedules for myself and work with
deadlines. That keeps me on track. I am usually more productive and consistent
if I always have that next goal on the horizon to work toward. The most
important thing is to put the time in every day, and whether I'm getting paid for
it or not (or at least not yet), I consider it my work. I can't speak for the rest of my band, but
for me and my family we've made it all happen because it feeds me and that
feeds our family life. The European
Tours with the band are quite a stretch because they are usually very packed
and it's tiring. But my daughter loves to travel and the experience is great
for her (and me too) so it’s worth it!
M: You’re also married
and mentioned that you have a daughter. How do you balance being a wife,
mother, and a multi-passionate artist?
D: My family is involved with all that I do and very
supportive. I think it all works because of that and there is a natural ebb and
flow to the creative projects that I'm involved in. When one comes to the forefront, others fall
back a bit. And I have to be careful to religiously keep to my designated
family time. I can push things too much sometimes, not always knowing when to
quit. My daughter is a good barometer of that. She lets me know when I'm spreading
myself too thin.
M: What are your
self-care practices (nutrition, exercise, etc.) that support your health and
vitality, to in-turn support your creativity?
D: I am a walker and hiker, not just for the exercise,
but for the time out in nature. I'm lucky because I live out in the country
very close to National Forest Lands and other beautiful places to explore. I
also Kayak whenever I can. I meditate and eat a mostly raw vegetarian diet. I
also know that creating artwork and music is absolutely necessary for me as a
whole woman, a soul. It sounds corny
maybe, but if I am not putting my time in and honoring my creative self, I feel
out of touch with God. It's just that simple for me. I make sure I make time to
always be creating because it's necessary for my health and well being.
M: What advice do
you have for aspiring and emerging visual artists and singer/songwriters?
D: It's good to have schedules, but sometimes you do have
to go with the juice and stay up till the wee hours of the morning when the
muse strikes. And deal with the consequences the following day. It's usually worth it though, in my
experience. That being said, if you're
serious, make your creative work your work, as in job. Put some time in every
day. Create something every day. And don't judge your own work. What you think
is garbage, might totally light up someone else’s life. I've learned that from
experience. If you aspire to write a hit song, a best selling novel, or a
million dollar painting right off the bat, you might never even get started. Your
expectations may be too high. Just go to your creative space every day and
write, paint, sculpt, whatever you do, and just enjoy the process and do it. Don't
think about how great or crappy it may be. Just do it. That's what's important
for you, as an artist… the creating itself.
It's good for your soul!
M: If people want
to learn more about your visual art, and the Denise Allen Band, where should
they go?
D: For Music, they can visit deniseallenband.com. Our
newest album, "This Heartbreak," is the best, in my opinion. For
Artwork, they can visit Gallery24seven.com and visit Denise Incao's gallery
M: Thank you Denise!
D: Thank you Marcella! For all that you do to inspire and
encourage other people, women and artists. I always enjoy reading your
newsletters. They inspire me!