Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Typos, Criticism, and Warm Fuzzies

With Anassa Publications CEO Melissa Kline (on left)
My essay, “Miracle of Yes,” was recently published by Anassa Publications in the anthology Anything Prose…and Poetry, Too!  When I received my copy I discovered not one, but TWO, typos!  I had proof read the printer’s layout draft before it went to press, but I had still missed my mistakes. After discovering my errors I was critical of myself for days. I felt so embarrassed, I considered not attending the book’s launch celebration.   

In the weeks leading up to the launch I had experienced a personal, family related, disappointment that I had allowed to affect my confidence and self-esteem.  After the whiplash of promises and let downs, I was feeling pretty low. When I discovered my typos it was further proof to me that I was a failure. I had to nurture my inner artist child – a lot! – and reassure her that she is talented and worthy of love and success, regardless of the perceived rejection and my so-called “mis-takes.”   

In Chapter 3 of The Artist’s Way, “Recovering A Sense of Power,” Julia Cameron offers advice for dealing with criticism. She suggests, “Do something very nurturing for yourself – read an old good review or recall a compliment.” 

Following Julia’s advice, I went to my warm fuzzies file. Every time I get a nice email, like a positive comment on my blog or supportive feedback on my newsletter, I save it in an electronic file titled, “Warm Fuzzies.” Since you can only focus on one thing at a time, to break the cycle of negative self-talk I read old, warm fuzzy, emails. I didn’t feel better immediately, but it was a start.  After writing about my feelings in my pages, meditating, and getting a few good nights of sleep, I began to gain a different perspective on my family situation and my writing errors. By the night of the book launch celebration I had mustered up enough self-love and confidence to attend. 

My essay may not be perfect, but I’m still proud of its message. Ironically, it’s about saying Yes (to yourself, your life, opportunities) and the Universe positively responding in serendipitous ways.  So, despite my embarrassment over my typos, I went to the launch celebration anyway.  I had a great time! I caught up with pals from the Rocky Mountain Women Writers group and I met some of the other contributors.  

After I got home I posted a photo on facebook that had been taken that evening of me with Anassa Publications CEO Melissa Kline. The next morning someone who had seen the photo messaged me about submitting my essay to them to be considered for publication in Creative Thought, a popular spiritual magazine.  

My publisher owns the rights to my essay for one year so I’m waiting to hear if they will allow the magazine to publish it. If they don’t,  the magazine has invited me to submit an original piece of writing instead. Either way, despite my typos, one experience synchronistically led to another creative opportunity to spread my love and light into the world. 

I’m learning that in life, and in art, mistakes will be made and there will be disappointments. But we must keep loving ourselves, believing in our dreams, and living The Artist’s Way.

To purchase your copy of Anything Prose…And Poetry, Too! visit amazon at

To learn more about Anasssa Publications, LLC visit

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