Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Living TAW - Chapter 12 - Faith

My chapter 12 Living The Artist’s Way video is the final, and most vulnerable, video in this 12-month / 17-post blog series. I share my deepest epiphany, my newfound awareness of what has been my biggest creative block all along.

In the 12th and final month of this journey reading Julia Cameron’s book and writing my daily morning pages, I became aware that I have spent my life exhibiting a pattern of behavior in which I have honored other people’s opinions (one person in particular) of me and my art over my own opinions. Well, not anymore! I am taking my power back. I choose love – for myself, my life, and my art. 

Watch out 2014! I am shinning my light brighter than ever. I am currently working on 3 commissioned paintings, getting ready for a 2-women art exhibition at Sync Gallery in Denver in February, and I am writing a monthly creative lifestyle guest blog post for None of which would be happening had I not lived Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way for one year.

As I mentioned in the video, to further help me expand into my greatness, after Living The Artist’s Way, I recently signed up for a few creative e-courses. And these days I am reading about novelist Alex Marcoux’s intuitive creative process in her book Lifesigns

Below is a list of the 3 e-courses I signed up for and links to where you can sign up too. I hope you’ll join me. If I don’t see you in the virtual classroom, I hope our paths cross somewhere else along our creative journeys. 

Live Creatively,

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